Everyone at UC — students, faculty, staff and administrators — has the right to a safe learning and working environment. UC does not tolerate sexual violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating/domestic violence or stalking. Each of us plays a critical role in ensuring the university is a safe place, and should know the rules of being part of the UC community.
- UC is committed to fostering a community where everyone works and learns together in a place free of harassment, exploitation and intimidation.
- UC will respond promptly to reports of sexual violence and take appropriate action to prevent it and when necessary, take disciplinary action.
- UC expects everyone to take university education and training courses on sexual violence prevention. Faculty, other academic appointees and staff are required to take sexual harassment prevention training.
Important Policy Updates for Clinical Operations
At UC, our highest responsibility is to provide a safe, respectful environment for employees, patients and students.
To enhance patient safety in clinical settings, in June 2019 then-President Janet Napolitano convened a Working Group to conduct a comprehensive review of existing policies on sexual misconduct across the clinical enterprise. Patients and others are encouraged to report concerns about possible sexually inappropriate behavior that occurred at any UC clinical location, including at UC medical centers or UC student health centers. You can also learn more about your reporting options, how to get help, and reporting obligations.
- FAQs about Responsible Employee Reporting Obligations
- June 4, 2019 statement by President Napolitano
- Information about the Systemwide Working Group
- The Special Committee at UCLA Health
UC policy
UC’s policies and codes of conduct spell out the rights and responsibilities of students and employees in ensuring that UC is a safe environment, and how the university addresses reports of sexual violence and sexual harassment.
- Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence
- UC Systemwide Investigation and Adjudication Model for Students (PACAOS–Appendix E)
- Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Student Adjudication Framework (PACAOS – Appendix F)
- UC Systemwide Investigation and Adjudication Model for Senate and Non-Senate Faculty
- UC Systemwide Investigation and Adjudication Model for Staff and Non-Faculty Academic Personnel
- President Napolitano's June 27, 2017 letter to UC Chancellors regarding Implementation of Faculty and Staff Investigation and Adjudication Models
- UC Clery Act Policy
- Faculty Code of Conduct
- President Napolitano's March 18, 2016 letter to UC Community: New Systemwide Peer Review Committee for cases involving senior university leaders
- Student Codes of Conduct
- Policy on Nondiscrimination in Employment
- Statement of Ethical Values
- Standards of Ethical Conduct
- Principles of Community
State and federal laws
UC complies with state and federal laws related to sexual violence. These include, but are not limited to, the following laws:
- Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex under any federally funded education program (P.L. 92-318). Under Title IX, sexual harassment, which includes sexual violence, is a form of unlawful sex discrimination. Schools that receive federal financial assistance must take steps to prevent sexual violence and sexual harassment, and promptly and effectively respond to reports of sexual violence and sexual harassment.
- The Clery Act requires colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to report annual crime statistics on or near their campuses and to provide other safety and crime information to the campus community (P.L. 101-542). The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (P.L. 113-4) requires campuses include sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking in these reports.
- SB 967 (De León, Chapter 748, Statutes of 2014), the “Yes Means Yes” state bill, requires California colleges and universities to adopt certain policies on sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking, such as an affirmative definition of consent and a preponderance of evidence standard.